
发布时间:2023-04-15 编辑:张艳凤 浏览次数:


巩钰,内蒙古呼和浩特人,1994年生,博士,讲师。内蒙古自治区高层次引进人才、bat365在线平台高层次引进人才。专注于水能资源调控方面的研究,主要研究方向是(1)水风光多能互补调度;(2)水资源配置;(3)梯级水库调度;(4)水资源-社会经济-生态环境系统协同演进。紧密围绕清洁能源高效利用问题,研发了水风光多能互补调度规则理论推导方法,创建了考虑能源边际效用递减特性的弃电对冲技术,丰富了水能资源耦合互馈的理论内涵。曾在《Applied Energy(IF=11.446)、《Energy(IF=8.857)、《Renewable Energy(IF=8.634)和《Reliability Engineering and System Safety(IF=7.247)等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文20篇,申请或授权国家发明专利6项,受邀担任SCI期刊《Land》客座主编。





2013.09-2017.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程(就读于全英文实验班),工学学士

2017.09-2022.06 武汉大学,水文及水资源,工学博士



[1] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Bo Ming, Maoyuan Feng, Kangdi Huang, Yibo Wang. Identifying the functional form of operating rules for hydro-photovoltaic hybrid power systems[J]. Energy, 2022,243:123027. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[2] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Yini Liu, Kangdi Huang. Robust operation interval of a large-scale hydro-photovoltaic power system to cope with emergencies[J]. Applied Energy, 2021,290:116612. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[3] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Bo Ming, Dingfang Li. Identifying the effect of forecast uncertainties on hybrid power system operation: A case study of Longyangxia hydro-photovoltaic plant in China[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021,178:1303-1321. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[4] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Bo Ming, Weifeng Xu, Kangdi Huang, Xiao Li. Deriving pack rules for hydro-photovoltaic hybrid power systems considering diminishing marginal benefit of energy[J]. Applied Energy, 2021,304:117858. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[5] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Lei Cheng, Guiya Chen, Yanlai Zhou, Xiaoqi Zhang, Weifeng Xu. Determining dynamic water level control boundaries for a multi-reservoir system during flood seasons with considering channel storage[J]. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2020,13(1):e12586. (SCI检索,中科院三区)

[6] Yu Gong, Pan Liu, Jun Zhang, Dedi Liu, Xiaoqi Zhang, Xiaojing Zhang. Considering different streamflow forecast horizons in the quantitative flood risk analysis for a multi-reservoir system[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020,204:107128. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[7] Weibo Liu, Pan Liu, Lei Cheng, Yu Gong, Kangdi Huang, Xinran Luo, Xiao Li, Qian Cheng, An analytic operating rule for reservoirs under the Budyko “supply-demand” framework [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 616(2):128788. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[8] Kangdi Huang, Pan Liu, Jong-Suk Kim, Weifeng Xu, Yu Gong, Qian Cheng, Yong Zhou. A model coupling current non-adjustable, coming adjustable and remaining stages for daily generation scheduling of a wind-solar-hydro complementary system [J]. Energy, 2022,263:125737. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[9] Xiaoqi Zhang, Pan Liu, Maoyuan Feng, Chong-Yu Xu, Lei Cheng, Yu Gong, A new joint optimization method for design and operation of multi-reservoir system considering the conditional value-at-risk[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 610: 127946. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[10] Qian Cheng, Peng Luo, Pan Liu, Xiao Li, Bo Ming, Kangdi Huang, Weifeng Xu, Yu Gong. Stochastic short-term scheduling of a wind-solar-hydro complementary system considering both the day-ahead market bidding and bilateral contracts decomposition[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022,138:107904. (SCI检索,中科院二区)

[11] Kangdi Huang, Peng Luo, Pan Liu, Jong-Suk Kim, Yintang Wang, Weifeng Xu, He Li, Yu Gong. Improving complementarity of a hybrid renewable energy system to meet load demand by using hydropower regulation ability[J]. Energy, 2022:123535. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[12] Xiao Li, Pan Liu, Yibo Wang, Zhikai Yang, Yu Gong, Rihui An, Kangdi Huang, Yan Wen. Derivation of operating rule curves for cascade hydropower reservoirs considering the spot market: A case study of the China's Qing River cascade-reservoir system[J]. Renewable Energy, 2022,182:1028-1038. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[13] 刘攀, 谢艾利, 巩钰. 基于利益共享的汛限水位专用防洪基金研究[J]. 水力发电学报, 2022. (中文核心)

[14] Qian Cheng, Bo Ming, Pan Liu, Kangdi Huang, Yu Gong, Xiao Li, Yalian Zheng. Solving hydro unit commitment problems with multiple hydraulic heads based on a two-layer nested optimization method[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021,172:317-326. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[15] Kangdi Huang, Pan Liu, Bo Ming, Jong-Suk Kim, Yu Gong. Economic operation of a wind-solar-hydro complementary system considering risks of output shortage, power curtailment and spilled water[J]. Applied Energy, 2021,290:116805. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[16] Yibo Wang, Pan Liu, Ming Dou, He Li, Bo Ming, Yu Gong, Zhikai Yang. Reservoir ecological operation considering outflow variations across different time scales[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2021,125:13-26. (SCI检索,中科院二区)

[17] Weifeng Xu, Pan Liu, Lei Cheng, Yong Zhou, Qian Xia, Yu Gong, Yini Liu. Multi-step wind speed prediction by combining a WRF simulation and an error correction strategy[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021,163:772-782. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[18] Weifeng Xu, Pan Liu, Shenglian Guo, Lei Cheng, Bo Ming, Yu Gong. Optimizing the Reservoir Operation for Hydropower Generation by Using the Flexibility Index to Consider Inflow Uncertainty[J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2021,147(8):6021008. (SCI检索,中科院三区)

[19] Ruikang Zhang, Lei Cheng, Pan Liu, Kangdi Huang, Yu Gong, Shujing Qin, Dedi Liu. Effect of GCM credibility on water resource system robustness under climate change based on decision scaling[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2021,158:104063. (SCI检索,中科院二区)

[20] Xiaoqi Zhang, Pan Liu, Chong-Yu Xu, Yu Gong, Lei Cheng, Shaokun He. Real-time reservoir flood control operation for cascade reservoirs using a two-stage flood risk analysis method[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019,577:123954. (SCI检索,中科院一区)

[21] Xiaoqi Zhang, Pan Liu, Chong-Yu Xu, Shenglian Guo, Yu Gong, He Li. Derivation of Hydropower Rules for Multireservoir Systems and Its Application for Optimal Reservoir Storage Allocation[J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2019,145(5):4019010. (SCI检索,中科院三区)



[1] 巩钰, 刘攀, 徐伟峰, 黄康迪, 韩东阳. 一种水光互补优化调度方法及系统. (专利号:202111127368.0,实审)

[2] 巩钰, 刘攀, 谢康, 程潜, 郑雅莲.一种基于特征参数的水库中长期调度方法及系统. (专利号:202111127133.1,实审)

[3] 巩钰, 刘攀, 曹光荣, 张玮, 刘旖旎, 夏倩. 一种水库两阶段实时防洪风险计算方法及系统. (专利号:202111572156.3,实审)

[4] 刘攀, 陈桂亚, 巩钰. 基于台风路径的水库汛期运行水位动态控制方法及系统. (专利号:202111367128.8,实审)

[5] 徐伟峰, 刘攀, 巩钰, 刘旖旎.考虑灵活性的水库发电优化调度方法. (专利号:201811043794.4,授权)

[6] 张玮, 刘攀, 谢艾利, 桂梓玲, 巩钰.考虑水库调度方案可持续性利用的多目标决策方法. (专利号:201811052446.3,授权)


