二、课程英文名称:Specialty English
学时数:24 学分数:1.5学分 开课学期:第六学期
《专业英语》课程既为员工继续英语学习并同时接受专业训练提供帮助。通过本课程的学习,要求员工既要掌握专业英语初步的“读写听”(“说”也有练习的机会)能力,同时巩固学过的专业知识,学习一些新的环境工程知识。本课程教学采用 “交流-互动”的教学模式,引导员工将英语学习和专业学习有机地结合起来,锻炼员工理解英文文献、正确翻译文献以及初步专业英语写作的能力。
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| Unit 1 The City Environment
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| Unit 2 Energy Exploration and Environment
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| Unit 3 Water Pollution and Pollutants
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| Unit 4 Water Purification
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| Unit 5 Principles of Wastewater Treatment
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| Unit 6 Water Treatment Process
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| Unit 7 Energy Consumption and Pollution
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Unit 1 The City Environment
2. Toxic/Hazardous Wastes
3. Export of Toxic Wastes or Polluting Industries
1. Put the following into Chinese.
soil erosion deforestation sewer core region toxic pesticide thermal inversion
2. Put the following into English.
Unit2 Energy Exploration and Environment
1. Environmental Impacts of Oil
2. Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas
3. Environmental Impact of Coal
4. Environmental Impacts of Hydroelectric Development
5. Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power
Based on Reading Material:
1. Put the following into Chinese.
cornerstone subsidies aesthetic massive concrete federal legal action
2. Put the third paragraph into Chinese.
Translate the part of “Environmental Impact of Coal” into Chinese.
Unit 3 Water Pollution and Pollutants
1. The Relationship between Polluted Water and Disease
5. Inorganic constituents
According to Reading Material:
1. How many inorganic constituents are there in wastewater?
2. What is the definition of “total solids”?
3. Translate the part of “Industrial Wastewater” into Chinese?
Unit 4 Water Purification
1. The Classification of Impurities in Water
4. Tertiary or “Advanced” Treatment
1. Translate the part of “Secondary Treatment” into Chinese.
2. Explain the principle of “Reverse Osmosis” into Chinese.
Unit 5 Principles of Wastewater Treatment
4. Aerobic/Anoxic Processes
1. Put the following into Chinese.
land disposal fecal coliform aquatic life practical outlets endogenous phase
detrimental to human health stringent effluent requirement
2. How many ways can be used to remove the suspended, colloidal and dissolved contaminants in wastewater?
3. Give several physical processes to remove suspended solids from wastewater?
Unit 6 Water Treatment Process
1. The main unit operations involved in the treatment of surface water.
2. Removal of Particulate Matter
3. Removal of Dissolved Substances
1. What are the advantages of ozonation over chlorine?
2. Describe “Coagulation/Flocculation Process” in Chinese.
Unit 7 Energy Consumption and Pollution
1. The Relation of Energy Consumption and Pollution
2. Approaches to reducing pollution
3. Some compromise to energy conversation and reduction of pollution
Put the following into Chinese.
preempted and defaced land undue sacrifice personal conveniences
lavish dependency solar collectors social attitudes patterns of living
2. Operational Procedures
1. Put the following into Chinese.
action biogeophysical environment remedial action a spatial frame of reference
an identification of human concerns relevant physical and biological factors
2. Put the following into English.
地理环境 影响评价方法 替代方案的研究 模型技术 基础数据
3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an activity designed to identify and predict the impact of an action on the biogeophysical environment and on man’s health and well-being, and to interpret and communicate information about the impacts.